Guida la trasformazione digitale del tuo business. Sfrutta le potenzialità legate alle tecnologie AR/VR oggi finalmente a portata di mano. Applica la forza della Realtà Virtuale e Realtà Aumentata nei tuoi progetti.
Le nostre competenze principali sono nella creazione delle app nell’ambito AR e VR, ad esempio, realizziamo il modello 3D del tuo progetto partendo da un disegno tecnico in 2D oppure direttamente da un oggetto reale. Altri ambiti applicativi sono training, formazione di stanza, landmark identification, traduzione in tempo reale, etc.

Arvr Desc Img

Il team dedicato

Scegli un approccio innovativo: inizia subito a sviluppare i tuoi progetti con il nostro team composto da circa 100 talenti che hanno maturato specifiche competenze nelle diverse tecnologie di sviluppo e modellazione 3D, offrendoti anche i servizi di sviluppo, manutenzione e post-produzione software. Siamo in grado di realizzare le vostre idee nel modo migliore e più efficace per rispondere a pieno a tutte le tue esigenze.

Soluzioni AR/VR



    La Realità Aumentata (AR) è una tecnologia in grado di aggiungere alla realtà esistente informazioni rilevanti generate dal computer con cui l’utente può interagire. Sfruttiamo l’uso della Realtà Aumentata con lo scopo di migliorare i processi di business (commerciali, industriali, etc) tramite applicazioni di Realtà Aumentata su Smartphone, Tablet, e wearable device, usando i motori di sviluppo ((Unity3D e Unreal Engine 4), combinato con AR SDKs (ARCore e ARKit). Attraverso la realtà aumentata gli utenti possono anticipare le sensazioni di consumo e compiere scelte attraverso esperienze immersive e realistiche, dischiudendo le opportunità inedite nella gestione delle relazioni con clienti e prospect.


    We focus on creating immersive VR experiences that allow users to fully appreciate the contents, while providing them various interaction options within the experience. We rely on development engines (Unity3D and Unreal Engine), along with the necessary VR SDK depending on the target device, such as the Oculus SDK, Google Cardboard/Daydream SDK, and so on.


    Also considered as a hybrid technology, it gathers the specificities of virtual reality and augmented reality. This technology allows to interact with physical and virtual objects in the real world.


    Machine Learning is an artificial intelligence technology based on to the development of computer programs, and able to acquire knowledge itself when it exposes to new data.


    From creating highly optimized assets to fully detailed models, our team is able to translate your simple sketches or ideas into a complete model. We utilize various tools for this, ranging from photo-editing software (e.g. Photoshop) to 3D software creation tools (such as Blender3D and Autodesk 3DSMax).


  • ARBot


    Let us present you WYBot, WYLog’s mascot… Create, play and present your company in an attractive way with your 3D mascot.

  • VR Museum

    VR Museum

    Providing a rather unique way to experience your local museum.

  • 360 VR Training Simulation

    360 VR Training Simulation

    A VR experience aimed for training specific individuals.

  • VR Fire Escape Simulation

    VR Fire Escape Simulation

    How would you escape a building hit by a fire? this VR app guides you how.

  • Rocket Ship

    Rocket Ship

    This model was created with the intent of producing a highly-optimzed model (meaning less polygon count), but with high-fidelity texturing (both for the rocket ship’s metallic sheen, to the flame and smoke effects coming out of the exhaust).

  • Stuffed Dinosaur

    Stuffed Dinosaur

    This model was created with the intent of replicating a child’s stuffed toy, complete with the look and feel of one.

  • Eiffel Tower

    Eiffel Tower

    This replica of the Eiffel Tower was modeled by 2 of our artists, who based it off the real-life blueprints of the tower itself. The goal of this model was to create a life-like replica of the Eiffel Tower, complete with the weathered metal textures.

  • Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man

    Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man

    This 3D asset was created in wanting to model Da Vinci’s famous diagram/image into a fully-realized model. The main challenge during the modeling is that there are no other angles available of the diagram, so we had to consider that Da Vinci intended this to be the “ideal figure of a man”, from the symmetry of the different body parts, to the musculature reacting to the posing of the man.

  • AR Business Card

    AR Business Card

    Do you have enough to see the same business card everywhere? Experiment a new way of introducing your company with WYLog !
